19kg Tool Payload Trolley System

Perfect addition to any workshop. 1.2mtr high working height and 19kg payload.


  • Makes hard tasks easy; more uptime
  • Less wear and tear on workers; fewer injuries
  • Increase morale
  • Improves craftsmanship
  • Power without pain
  • Up to 19kg tool payload
  • 1.4mtr mast height
  • large working envelope
  • Safely manoeuvre heavy tools including impact wrenches, pneumatic hammers, grinders and alike.

The MITS Zero G Workshop Trolley System enable workers to use heavy tool like impact wrenches, nut runners, grinders and chipping hammers effortlessly and as if weightless.

With a working tool payload of up to 19kg, the MITS - Zero G Workshop System can be adapted for use with most heavy hand tools used in mining and heaving engineering workshops.

The entry model MITS - Zero G workshop system is supplied complete with a compact mobile trolley, patented balancing system arm and "Pigtail" tool arm and lanyards. Other tool mountings available on request. 

Utilising spring tension and innovative design to balance the weight of tools used in bolt tensioning, drilling, sanding, riveting and many other applications the MITS- Zero G workshop system is fast becoming the latest technology to improve safety, efficiency and quality in heavy industry. Capable of holding tools weighing up to 19kg fully balanced allowing the user to freely, safely and accurately move  heavy tools in any direction without injury or risk of fatigue.



  • Working tool payload up to 19kg operating range 4.5kg to 19kg
  • Tool functioning operating arc 0-1400mm vertical and 2200mm horizontal arc range.
  • Zero G single link balancing arm
  • Zero G 450mm Link Arm Extension with Locking Pin
  • Quick connection mounting ZeroG Fixed Axis Mounting Block with Locking Pin
    Gravity Docking Assembly
  • Mobile trolley incorporating 1.2 mtr mast height, winch operated tool height adjustment, counterweights and bench.
  • Trolley overall foot print 1050mm wide x 740mm long x 1200mm high.