The 4530 RTD Simulator is designed to examine or calibrate measuring and controlling instruments with high precision.
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It is suitable for calibration laboratory and service- centers which need a computer-controlled resistance decade for the automation of calibration procedures. The simulator features a sturdy aluminium housing along with a keyboard and display located at the front panel and 2-, 3- and 4-wire connections at the backside. It can also simulate the resistance sensor by real Ohm simulation without problems.
To contact Bestech Australia about Bestech Australia 4530 Precision RTD Simulator use Get a quote.
It is suitable for calibration laboratory and service- centers which need a computer-controlled resistance decade for the automation of calibration procedures. The simulator features a sturdy aluminium housing along with a keyboard and display located at the front panel and 2-, 3- and 4-wire connections at the backside. It can also simulate the resistance sensor by real Ohm simulation without problems.
Customers: Auto/Transport, Defence,Water/Wastewater, Research
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Auto/Transport, Defence,Water/Wastewater, Research