Pallet Positioners are a load elevating and lowering device designed to eliminate the bending required when loading or unloading palletised goods.
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They are a simple, robust mechanism consisting of a scissor lift between two steel platforms. The lifting force is generated by heavy duty compression springs or Pneumatic Airbags fitted to dampen the vertical movement of the load.
MAVERick Equipment Stainless Steel Pallet Positioners are ideal in a highly corrosive/Clean room wash down environments as standard painted units will rust and don’t comply with the strict standards required.
Many manufacturing procedures today require controlled areas in which potential contamination is limited and controlled. This includes food preparation, electronic and computer manufacturing, specialised instrument manufacturing and pharmaceutical production. These generally have strict requirements for a clean manufacturing environment.
MAVERick Equipment has been supplying specialised production equipment to major pharmaceutical manufacturers for over 35 years. Most of the applications have required customized solutions where manufacturing processes require the standards to be met.
To contact MAVERick Equipment about Bishamon Pallet Positioner use Get a quote.
They are a simple, robust mechanism consisting of a scissor lift between two steel platforms. The lifting force is generated by heavy duty compression springs or Pneumatic Airbags fitted to dampen the vertical movement of the load.
MAVERick Equipment Stainless Steel Pallet Positioners are ideal in a highly corrosive/Clean room wash down environments as standard painted units will rust and don’t comply with the strict standards required.
Many manufacturing procedures today require controlled areas in which potential contamination is limited and controlled. This includes food preparation, electronic and computer manufacturing, specialised instrument manufacturing and pharmaceutical production. These generally have strict requirements for a clean manufacturing environment.
MAVERick Equipment has been supplying specialised production equipment to major pharmaceutical manufacturers for over 35 years. Most of the applications have required customized solutions where manufacturing processes require the standards to be met.