3 urgent reasons to fix potholes

Quick tips for fixing potholes permanently. The efficient way.

As we experience extreme weather conditions, it’s a great reason why you simply cannot wait to have a small pothole repaired —especially during the cold winter months. The increase in rainfall, wild temperature swings and the freeze-thaw cycle can turn small cracks into small potholes and small potholes into gaping car eaters.

It is good practice that all property managers, municipal agencies and anybody else in charge of any paved areas to go out and inspect their asphalt regularly (particularly in the winter) and look for the following signs:

Cracks of any size

Spills and debris

Small potholes beginning to form

If you see any of these problems it's best to fix them promptly using QPR asphalt repair for the following reasons:

1. Smaller Potholes are Less Expensive to Fix

Bigger potholes, on the other hand, can get far more expensive because they may require deeper, more extensive repair and replacement, including repair of the all-important sub base. We understand that everyone is on a budget, which is why we make this important recommendation. Regularly inspect your parking lots and roads well before winter and have any small potholes or cracks filled and repaired properly. It’s harder to have them fixed in the winter, and by spring, the size and severity of the pothole will have increased significantly - as will the amount of money and time it takes to get it repaired.

2. The Freeze-Thaw Cycle Makes Small Potholes Bigger

The biggest reason to have small potholes and cracks repaired before winter is this: the freeze-thaw cycle. Water on, under or in the pavement will expand and contract as it goes through this winter-weather cycle, further weakening small cracks. Added stress from vehicle traffic will continue to chip away at the surface, and more water may find its way into the sub base, weakening wider areas of the pavement much faster as time goes on.

Don’t let the freeze-thaw cycle get the better of your pavement, your budget or your drivers. Have these cracks filled and potholes repaired now. Also, keep current with your regular seal coating schedule. This shields your asphalt from damaging water infiltration and minimises the effects of the freeze-thaw cycle all winter long.

3. Bottom Line: Potholes are a Safety Issue

Speaking of safety, the longer you let potholes fester in your paved areas, the bigger the chances someone could have an accident or experience car damage from un-filled potholes. The safe, responsible thing to do is get these filled before they become monsters. This helps keep everyone safer, winter, spring, summer and autumn.

DIY Solution: QPR

Fix potholes and damaged asphalt yourself quickly and easily by using QPR.  It’s easy to use, and works instantly. Suitable for all types of extreme weather conditions, even water filled potholes.

QPR is a ready made, specially-formulated cold asphalt mixture designed for fast yet permanent pothole repair. Available in easy-lift 15 kg bags and pails, it’s an easy process to repair pavements and driveways, carparks, footpaths and any paved area.

There is no job too big or small for QPR from driveways to freeways.