Classrooms clean and safe with Hako

It is time to...go back to school! For almost all the children across Australia, this is the first time they have set foot in a classroom for two months.

Although all of us hope this means a return to normality, with COVID-19 still in general circulation, schools need to keep doing their most to boost hygiene levels and keep germs away from the pupils.



Why is cleaning and disinfecting important? 

Having a clean environment will make people happy but above all, it will make them feel safe.
COVID-19 can be reduced and killed from surfaces, objects, and hands if we use the right products correctly. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person to person, but it may also spread by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching your own mouth, nose, or possibly your eyes.

Using Hako Scrubmasters for cleaning and disinfecting can reduce the risk of spreading infection by reducing and killing germs on surfaces people frequently touch.


Effective cleaning and disinfection...HOW?

It is obvious that the mop and bucket are cheaper but... are they effective when compared to mechanized cleaning? That's why we recommend you use floor scrubbers.
Compared to manual systems, mechanization enables sanitation activities to be carried out shortly and many times during the day, which means saving time and dollars. 


What does school cleaning mean? 

It means clean classrooms and guaranteed hygiene to protect the students. Our scrubbers will help you to achieve the highest cleaning standards, take a look:

Hako Scrubmaster B3:  A  practical, easy-to-use, and transport scrubber-drier designed to efficiently clean small and hard-to-reach areas

Scrubmaster B3 CLASSROOM_man

The unique robust compact design makes the Scrubmaster B3 incredibly maneuverable and productive in the tightest of spaces.  Working in narrow and cramped areas is not a problem anymore.  

If you are interested in acquiring any type of industrial sweeper, floor scrubber, or vacuum cleaner, you can consult our catalog of industrial cleaning equipment. You can also contact us directly through our contact form and a specialist will advise you on the best option for your need, without compromise.