Gas Monitoring in Refuge Chambers

One of the greatest risks in Underground mining is the respirable atmosphere which can be impacted by fires from underground machinery.

The primary function of a refuge chamber is to provide a safe haven for people working in the immediate area in the event of the atmosphere becoming irrespirable.

Gas monitoring equipment must be supplied within the chamber to determine the quality of the respirable air within the refuge chamber.

BOST Group, a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Underground Refuge Chambers are well known in the industry for providing cost effective, high quality refuge chambers capable of sustaining life for up to 36 hours.

Having vast experience with the environment and demands of the underground workplace, BOST Group offer the option of Digital Gas Monitors with their chambers including the GX-6000 to meet and exceed the criteria set out in the Department of Mines & Petroleum Guidelines.

Refuge Chambers are considered by many as a highly technical lifesaving product so in order to ensure compliance, functionality and durability BOST Group demand products and components to match the quality of the Refuge Chambers they supply as well as to apply a solution to fit this requirement, recognising the environmental challenges that the equipment must withstand.

The GX-6000 Multi Gas Monitor provides a perfect solution to the requirement for Gas Monitoring Equipment in Underground Refuge Chambers. The unit is able to monitor for up to six different gases including CO, CO2, and O2 and the integral sample draw pump can monitor whilst in its charging state and alert users if any air quality issues are detected.

The extremely durable, tough design fits well amongst the harsh conditions of an underground mine, with a large LCD display and backlight for easy to view live readings of the current air quality.  The unit can be securely mounted in its Charging Cradle and offers an ideal solution to the requirement of having an instrument being on standby 24/7. The Lithium Ion Battery boasts an extensive run time ensuring that monitoring can continue well beyond the event of loss of mains power.

Control Equipment actively promote the option to empower end users with the knowledge and training to maintain their own equipment, removing the need for the equipment to leave site for long periods of time during service and calibration requirements. The benefits in cost, time, training and upskilling provide additional savings and ultimately, engrain familiarity of the product to the user which is especially critical during a potential high stress emergency situation. Another great feature of the GX-6000 is that the device can be calibrated and serviced in situ without the need for a chamber to be left without monitoring capabilities or a reliance on traditional gas pump and tubes.

For further information on the GX-6000 or any of it’s many other applications, contact Control Equipment Pty Ltd.  They are flexible with working with end users to provide a best fit solution for specific site requirements.