Hopper heating in cake production line

Susan Day Cakes needed a better heating solution for hoppers that was easier to maintain while being power efficient.

Baking cakes is a fun process, but things can quickly go wrong if the ingredients don’t come together. That is what happened at Susan Day Cakes when they couldn’t find a viable solution to warm the icing of their delicious cakes.

Susan Day used trace heating, i.e. heating cords or silicone heat tape that wound around the hopper, to warm up the icing for their cakes. Earlier methods created more problems than solutions as it was difficult to clean the hopper without damaging the trace wire. In search of a better heating method, Susan Day Cakes got in touch with SBH Solutions, country partners to LMK Thermosafe, the leading heater jacket manufacturer in the world. LMK was able to design a custom conical heating jacket for the hopper, which includes thermostatic control and the ability to easily remove from the hopper for cleaning. Country Chef, in Queensland, used the same icing depositors from Unifiller as Susan Day Cakes for their cake icing and ordered heating jackets for their production lines.

Unifiller Asia Pacific, the company that supplies the depositors used by Susan Day Cakes and County Chef, saw these heating jackets in action at Susan Day Cakes and ordered a couple of jackets to be sold along with their machines to a client in South Korea.

If you have problems with viscosity in conical depositors, or on any other hopper, SBH Solutions can supply custom made insulated heater jackets to improve the performance and quality of your production line. Heater jackets for Unifiller depositors are a stock item, and other jackets can be manufactured for any conical shape as required within a short time frame.