Hylec Controls' Triples Life of Marui Concrete Test Cylinder Grinder

Hylec has developed a preventive maintenance and refurbishment program that has tripled the life of Marui Concrete Test Cylinder End Face Grinders to over a million samples.

Hylec’s program includes recommended maintenance procedures which are carried out by the customer and scheduled machine refurbishment by Hylec prior to the loss of machine grinding accuracy or reliability.

A refurbishment is recommended after machine has ground about 300,000 samples. Many machines have had 2 refurbishments, meaning they have ground over a million samples. Refurbishment halves the cost of machine ownership compared to machine replacement.

Hylec’s refurbishment program:

  • restores machine to as new condition and includes replacement of all components subject to wear or corrosion
  • includes improvements to the machines flushing system to prevent waste build up in the machine
  • to ensure 100% machine availability, Hylec offers a replacement for use during refurbishment
  • Concrete cylinder end grinders are used to surface grind the end face of a concrete specimen prior to measurement, and compression destructive testing. This method is highly superior to alternatives such as sulphur capping and rubber capping, and provides much more accurate, repeatable results
  • a Water Re-circulation system is used with the Grinder with improved waste settlement and easier cleaning. The cleaner water supply prevents contamination of machine components

A refurbished machine typically grinds the cylinder end face flat to better than 30 micron and square to the cylinder sides to within 0.5 degrees. This is well within the Australian test standard.

It is now possible for small concrete testing laboratories to achieve the same testing accuracy and repeatability as achieved by large laboratories using Hylec’s Marui Concrete Test Grinding Machine.