IBC immersion heater for faster heating of liquids

When speed is required and product can readily accept heat without damaging, direct application of heat to the contents of an Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) is worth serious consideration.

SBH Solutions has recognised this need and developed a powerful self-supporting IBC immersion heater.

The standard heater produces a concentrated 3000w and is equipped with a 0 – 120°C thermostat which sits on a stainless steel plate on top of the inlet, well away from the heat generating element.

In winter conditions it will achieve temperatures of up to 30 - 40°C across the mass of an IBC over time (dependent upon ambient), and higher temperatures if used in combination with an insulation only heater jacket to prevent energy dissipation to the surrounding environment.

This product is designed for use with liquids and does require careful use due to the concentrated heat and the fact that it is submerged in your product.

Available as standard for water based and non-corrosive products, it can be manufactured for some other solutions dependent upon presentation of a relevant MSDS.