QPR premium pothole repair product wins when put to the test

As the rain eases and road maintenance begins in earnest, there's a road repair product leaving other brands in the dust.

During the recent wet weather in VIC and NSW, QPR premium asphalt repair has outperformed other well-known products by tenaciously staying put in potholes.

QPR is also coming out on top for asphalt damage applications on some very busy sections of road all over Victoria.

So much so, that reports from customers indicate other products are failing after several days and require re-application, whereas QPR stays put and remains as a permanent repair that actually costs less in the long term.

Click here to see why QPR works better.

The confidence of road crews to do the job once and not return to repeat their work has led to more customers opting to use QPR.

One of the main reasons for the tenacity and holding power of QPR under difficult conditions and high traffic loads is the extreme quality control and attention to detail during production. 

QPR has been used for around 30 years in the USA, and is one of the biggest selling products in the asphalt repair market. This can only happen if the quality is consistent and strictly controlled during manufacture.

The team at Earthco Projects take pride in good old fashioned customer service and support - on call at all times to deliver product to customers on the same day, or the next at the latest. 

Contact us to find out more.