Tip Top launches cardboard clips replacing plastic clips on their bread bags

MPI Australia, an engineering company represents KLR systems of Canada who developed the cardboard clips for the bakery products including the clipping machines for these clips.

Tip Top Bakeries have launched the sustainable bag clips supplied by MPI Australia on their bread bags and other bakery products like muffins and buns. This move will eventually help them in eliminating 400 million pieces of single-use plastic clips every year across Australia and New Zealand. As part of the sustainability initiative, this move will potentially remove 100 tonnes of plastic from entering the waste streams. 

Developed by KLR Canada and strengthened by inputs from Tip Top team and rigorous testing, these sustainable cardboard clips feature no compromise on freshness and taste.  

Tip Top encourages consumers to recycle their cardboard clips in kerbside recycling bins by tucking the clip inside other paper and cardboard products giving them the best chance of being recycled into a new product rather than being sent to landfill. 

The Australian government has plans to phase out unnecessary plastics by 2025 and all the major retailers like Woolworths, Coles and Aldi are on board with this initiative. Together between KLR, MPI and Tip Top, we have taken a positive first step in 2021.