U-Tred anti-slip stair nosing application explains a lot

Our U-Tred anti-slip stair nosings were designed not only with safety in mind, but also to be easy to fit and install.

It was, we thought, the perfect solution for steel grate steps, where mud build-up made these unsafe, or where these were rusting. On the latter application, the user was saved the cost and the hassle of removing the steps and re-installing new ones, or even having to rebuild staircases.

And, we are happy to admit that we have made marketing in-roads, with quite fair acceptance in the field.

So, they say the proof of the pudding, right? Well, thinking more about this, I came across a series of photos of U-Tred stairnosings in actual use. See examples above.

As to who, what, where and why, well, let my son tell you the story. The headline pretty much explains the application and tells us who the users are, why they’ve used the product and so on.

I was going edit his prose, but thought, heck let’s not stop his youthful exuberance. And, it makes for good reading. You can judge for yourself. Oh, I’ve added my comments in brackets.

Millmerran Power Station Supercharging Stairways

It’s confirmed; the aftermarket U-TRED kit available and manufactured by Amco Industries has been proven to add an extra 120 newton metres of torque to any stock standard stairway.  [Wow, talk about exuberance!]

In a stunningly simple, easy fit design, you can have your steps up and running again in less than 10 minutes, without having to undo a single bolt or tighten a clamp.

As the lads from Millmerran found, standard factory-installed safety products do work, but when performance is required, it really pays to go the extra mile and soup up the access points with that extra anti-slip…

Looking at the pictures below, you can see the improvements they have made to ensure operator safety. Inclines, treads and platforms have all been given the extra mods they need to produce a quality access way engine.

Not to say that the traditional 10mm RHS sections welded onto an incline at 300mm spacings don’t have their place… sure, it serves a purpose when nothing else is available, but that’s where it stops. It doesn’t take long for it dirt to build up behind the protruding cleat and soon the bar is good as useless.

The same can be said of checker plate toes and platforms. Typical failure is that they either rust through or polish up [become smooth and we can even add get caked-in mud] and soon the surface is more slippery. And then the hazards they were meant to be resolving are not only back. They may even become worse.

With the U-Tred kit, however, you can have peace of mind knowing you aren’t relying on a standard, factory installed nosing. When racing for ZERO HARM, like any race, you need more than that to keep ahead of the game. So take the time to give your stairs the tune up they need, and of course, consider the U-Tred supercharger kit. You won’t be disappointed.

We also include a photo of our U-Tred stair nosings in a more familiar application. This photo was also taken at Millmerrran Power station. The use, as you will note, is on steel grate stair case.

For more information, or to discuss your particular stairnosing requirements, contact us now.