Enhanced Mineral Desiccants (MD), consists of dry Clay mixed with 9-17% Calcium Chloride.
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The presence of the Calcium Chloride much improves the absorbency, especially under humid conditions.
At elevated temperature the brine is released from the clay, causing leakage if the pouch is not tight, but the presence of the salt will generally prevent re-evaporation. However, these products are subject to over-saturation. An over-saturated desiccant will suffer re-evaporation of moisture when exposed to dry conditions.
Enhanced Mineral Desiccants are suitable for use within packages provided Tyvec packaging is used to minimize the risk of brine leakage.
Enhanced Mineral Desiccants are suitable for use in containers provided the risk of over-saturation is small. Generally they are not suited for use with moisture containing cargoes.
To contact Intercept Australia about ChunWang Enhanced Mineral Based Desiccants | Clay Desiccants use Get a quote.
The presence of the Calcium Chloride much improves the absorbency, especially under humid conditions.
At elevated temperature the brine is released from the clay, causing leakage if the pouch is not tight, but the presence of the salt will generally prevent re-evaporation. However, these products are subject to over-saturation. An over-saturated desiccant will suffer re-evaporation of moisture when exposed to dry conditions.
Enhanced Mineral Desiccants are suitable for use within packages provided Tyvec packaging is used to minimize the risk of brine leakage.
Enhanced Mineral Desiccants are suitable for use in containers provided the risk of over-saturation is small. Generally they are not suited for use with moisture containing cargoes.
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Australian Corrosion Association; Australian Industry Defence Network