With automation it can be a feast or a famine. Too little data & that remote bore pump with the failing foot valve will drain the fill pipe after each cycle, unnecessarily lengthening the next cycle

Like most things in life, the art is in finding the sweet spot. The ‘happy medium’ for monitoring & control data is different for different applications and the people managing them. It’s not a ‘one size fits all’ solution.

We here at McLean Automation are the ‘Control Freaks’ and thoughtfully designed automation & monitoring systems are what we do. Finding the right mix of internet based imaging, sensors and controls that allow you to easily keep tabs on your projects via your smart phone, tablet or PC.

We specialise in providing cost effective, reliable, asset management via the cellular network & a web browser. From real time photos, graphs, tables & alarms to traditional long term meter reading & data logging, your job gets it’s own website tailored to it’s unique needs. Our scope extends from simple one off pump-to-tank fill systems to multiple geographically dispersed sites with predictive maintenance firmware & automatic report generation.