GPI Oil Transfer Pumps are designed for use with non-flammable fluids including: antifreeze, hydraulic fluid, non-flammable oil based solvents and oil based herbicide carriers.
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Benefits of GPI Oil Transfer Pumps:
Available in both 115 V and 12 V models and work great with drums, bulk tanks and waste oil reserves.
Durable and easy to handle, they are weatherproof with built-in easy access inlet screen and by-pass valve and 1 or 2 year warranties.
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Benefits of GPI Oil Transfer Pumps:
Available in both 115 V and 12 V models and work great with drums, bulk tanks and waste oil reserves.
Durable and easy to handle, they are weatherproof with built-in easy access inlet screen and by-pass valve and 1 or 2 year warranties.
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