Hand operated crane with electromagnet for moving scrap metal. IDA4 Application Note 1

IDA4 Application, an example how one of our customers has used our IDA4 Alarm Controller.

The Customer

Infrabuild, the new owners of a steel plant in Newcastle (recently rebranded from LIBERTY OneSteel) are proudly continuing their century-long involvement with Australian infrastructure.

Customer Challenge

The Infrabuild steel plant utilises a hand operated crane to manoeuvre steel bars from place to place via a PLC controlled electromagnetic lifting system. This system uses DC current to create a magnetic field which holds the steel bars, therefore, if the current output is too low there may issues with lifting or holding onto the steel.

Infrabuild had a range of set requirements, including:

  • Low alarm to detects magnetic current drop below 0.5 amps
  • High alarm to detect magnetic current exceed 15 amps
  • Window alarm to detect and remain active while current is in optimum range.

Product Solution

With no existing method of monitoring the DC currents drawn by the electromagnet Infrabuild turned to Innovec Controls for a solution.

The suggested solution was the IDA4 set point controller for its cost effective and reliable performance among other benefits, such as:

  • Simple touch switch programming of 4 set point relays
  • Programmable high, low and control alarm for each output
  • High contrast OLED 6 digits display

Results Achieved              

The IDA4 set point controller allowed the client to clearly monitor when the crane’s electro-magnet was functioning properly and thus determine when the crane was operational. Not only did this drastically reduce a massive potential safety issue (when steel bars feel from the crane) it also greatly improved the efficiency of the operation itself.

The IDA4 set point controller enabled [client] to properly monitor their cranes and prevent any incidents from occurring due to incorrect current output. With 4 setpoint relays and failsafe commands that de-energise in alarm and power failure conditions, the IDA4 swiftly met and exceeded the clients expectations.


IDA4 - Set Point Controller

The IDA4 is a 85 - 265 VAC or 18 - 36 VDC powered 4 set point controller with a  6 digit OLED display that can switch 240 VAC at 5 amperes resistive with 99% dead-band. The instrument has easy to use touch switch programmable functions (access via front panel).

Key Features

  • Accepts all standard process signals
  • Four set point relays with form C contacts
  • EEPROM storage
  • High contrast 6 digit blue OLED display with a 10mm character height
  • Adjustable display brightness and decimal point position
  • Screw terminal electrical connection
  • Din rail mount enclosure
  • EMC compliant

About Innovec

For over 25 years Innovec Controls has been a specialist provider of process control and electronic instruments. Innovec supplies products to a wide variety of industries across Australia and globally including food processing, industrial and engineering industries.

Innovec is an ISO 9001:2015 certified business