PCAN Adaptors, Motherboards & Modules Supplier | Peak Systems
Peak System PCAN-USB
PCAN Adaptors, Motherboards & Modules Supplier | Peak Systems
PCAN Adaptors, Motherboards & Modules Supplier | Peak Systems
Peak System PCAN-USB
PCAN Adaptors, Motherboards & Modules Supplier | Peak Systems
PCAN Adaptors, Motherboards & Modules Supplier | Peak Systems
Whether you need a plug-in card for the PC, a microcontroller module for temperature recording, or just the right kind of cable – with our CAN product range we can help you concentrate on what is important: developing successful products.
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The types of products we offer can be described as:
CAN-PC interface modules
Digital and analogue CAN microcontroller modules
Hand-held devices for troubleshooting in CAN networks
Converters for use in various Layer 1 applications
Cable makeup to your requirements
PC-USB to CAN converter for WIN 2000/XP/Vista and Linux systems
PCAN-USB opto-decoupled PC-USB to CAN converter with electrical separation for WIN 2000/XP/Vista and Linux systems
PCAN-PCI PC-PCI CAN plug-in card (single- and dual-channel) for Windows® and Linux systems
PCAN-PC Card PC-PCMCIA CAN plug-in card (single- and dual-channel) for Windows® and Linux systems
PCAN-Dongle PC parallel port to CAN converter for Windows® and Linux systems
PCAN-Dongle opto-decoupled Electrically separated PC parallel port to CAN converter for Windows® and Linux systems
PCAN-ISA PC-ISA 16-bit CAN plug-in card (single- and dual-channel) for Windows® and Linux systems
PCAN-PC/104 PC/104 CAN plug-in card (single- and dual-channel) for Windows® and Linux systems
PCAN-PC/104-Plus PC/104-Plus CAN plug-in card (single- and dual-channel) for Windows® and Linux systems
PCAN-LIN PC – serial to LIN and CAN interfaces
PCAN-Router Universal CAN converter
PCAN-LWL Optical coupler for CAN data transmission
PCAN-Optoadapter Optical decoupler for CAN bus systems
BUS Converter Module High-speed - low-speed bus converter
A more detailed range of products is detailed below. For more information, please contact us directly, or visit our website.
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Embedded Logic Solutions are also proudly displaying these credentials:
Dept of Defence, Sydney University
Surface Mount and Circuit Board Association (SMCBA