MI 3108 EurotestPV is a combined photovoltaic tester and electrical installations safety tester. It enables complete testing of electrical installations according to EN 61557 standards.
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Photovoltaic Installations:
Calculation of STC values
Efficiency calculations
Graphical representation of module’s I – U curve
2 voltage & 2 current channels for simultaneous AC & DC parameters measurements
Optional PV Remote Unit for simultaneous measurements of solar irradiation and temperature of PV module
Electrical Installations:
Automated RCD testing procedure
Support for B type RCD
Earth resistance measurement
Built-in fuse tables for automatic evaluation of the line / loop impedance results
Online monitoring of all 3 voltages
Scope function
Loop impedance test without tripping the RCD
1-phase power and energy measurements (including harmonics up to 11th)
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Photovoltaic Installations:
Calculation of STC values
Efficiency calculations
Graphical representation of module’s I – U curve
2 voltage & 2 current channels for simultaneous AC & DC parameters measurements
Optional PV Remote Unit for simultaneous measurements of solar irradiation and temperature of PV module
Electrical Installations:
Automated RCD testing procedure
Support for B type RCD
Earth resistance measurement
Built-in fuse tables for automatic evaluation of the line / loop impedance results
Online monitoring of all 3 voltages
Scope function
Loop impedance test without tripping the RCD
1-phase power and energy measurements (including harmonics up to 11th)
Customers: Oil/Gas, Process, Mining & Chemical industries.
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