Stainless Tank and Mix have expertise in the fabrication of specialised tanks and silos which comply with AS1692-2006. We supply customers Australia-wide and have the capability to fabricate specialised vessels to suit our client’s individual needs. Our design and manufacturing team is flexible enough to fabricate specialised vessels of unconventional designs.
Most of our process vessels are unique and are built to suit specific process requirements. Our engineers and designers consult our client’s specifications and provide a preliminary concept, then we analyse the feasibility of design, modify to a feasible final design, and finally execute in a cost effective manner.
The extensive experience of our team at Stainless Tank & Mix ensures that the customer will be working with someone who understands their particular industry specific needs so that the result will be one that not only meets those needs, but also is easy to use, clean and maintain.
To contact Stainless Tank & Mix about Specialised Stainless Steel Vessels use Get a quote.
Stainless Tank and Mix have expertise in the fabrication of specialised tanks and silos which comply with AS1692-2006. We supply customers Australia-wide and have the capability to fabricate specialised vessels to suit our client’s individual needs. Our design and manufacturing team is flexible enough to fabricate specialised vessels of unconventional designs.
Most of our process vessels are unique and are built to suit specific process requirements. Our engineers and designers consult our client’s specifications and provide a preliminary concept, then we analyse the feasibility of design, modify to a feasible final design, and finally execute in a cost effective manner.
The extensive experience of our team at Stainless Tank & Mix ensures that the customer will be working with someone who understands their particular industry specific needs so that the result will be one that not only meets those needs, but also is easy to use, clean and maintain.
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