Testing at heights

The Tritex Multigauge 6000 Drone Thickness Gauge is dedicated and designed for mounting onto a drone via a camera screw thread.

Therefore any techniques or fixtures for mounting cameras can be used to mount the gauge in the most suitable position on the drone.

Developed over many years with many successful installations, it has been designed for easy integration. Multiple Echo technology is used to ignore coatings of up to 6mm thick, just the metal substrate is measured. Accurate measurements can wirelessly be transmitted from a distance of up to 500m. These are displayed on the provided dedicated software, where the readings can be stored in a grid or string format which is entirely customizable. The gauge is supplied with a lightweight probe, probe holder and wet gel dispenser. This is controlled wirelessly through the Communicator software to accurately apply gel to the face of the probe when required.



How Multiple Echo Works
A transmitted ultrasound pulse travels though both the coating and the metal and reflects from the back wall. The returned echo then reverberates within the metal, with only a small portion of the echo travelling back through the coating each time. The timing between the small echoes gives us the timing of the echoes within the metal, which relate to the metal thickness. The returned echoes need not be consecutive as the gauge will interpret them automatically and calculate the thickness. A minimum of three echoes is checked each time. This is referred to as the Automatic Measurement Verification System (AMVS).