What’s fueling the $20 billion defibrillator market?

What’s fueling the $20 billion defibrillator market?


Why does the recent Defibrillator Market Report, published by Allied Market Research, forecast that the global defibrillator market is expected to grow to over $20 Billion by 2022?


It’s due to the advent of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for public access places, the rising incidences of sudden cardiac arrest, and the growing awareness towards public access defibrillators worldwide.


This market growth is strengthened by the technical advances, cost-effectiveness, safety, high accessibility, and clinical value in preliminary treatment of sudden cardiac arrest that today’s defibrillators embody.

And yet while more individuals, corporates, government departments and communities are deploying defibrillators internationally, often supported by legislation and official ‘encouragement’, Australia still has some way to go to likewise deploying these lifesaving devices in sufficient quantities and locations.

SHOKTOBER, Sudden Cardiac Arrest awareness month

So, it’s fitting that next month is SHOKTOBER, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness month – an opportunity to know where your nearest defibrillator is located, to deploy more defibrillators, to learn CPR and how to use a defibrillator…

Did you know that about only 1 in 10 Australians survive a cardiac arrest?  It’s Australia’ No. 1 Killer!

October 16th is Restart A Heart Day to educate and inform our communities of this risk – to spread the message.

Do Not Delay in deploying defibrillators at work, home, play and in the community – it could save a life…. perhaps yours…