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3M Food Safety (Microbiology)

3M Food Safety (Microbiology)Food Safety, Healthcare

Food Safety, Healthcare



3M Food Safety (Microbiology) is part of the 3M company. 3M Food safety is a trusted leader with over 20 years of experience in the field.3M Food Safety is an innovator, manufacturer and supplier of quality products helping food & beverage processors succeed in achieving their goal of maintaining ...View more

3M Food Safety (Microbiology) is part of the 3M company. 3M Food safety is a trusted leader with over 20 years of experience in the field.

3M Food Safety is an innovator, manufacturer and supplier of quality products helping food & beverage processors succeed in achieving their goal of maintaining the highest food safety standards possible.

Our major brands include 3M™ Petrifilm™, 3M™ Clean-trace™, 3M™ Tecra™ and 3M™ MonitorMark™. These brands offer product for finished product, line, and environmental testing for microbial indicators, pathogens, toxins and rapid hygiene monitoring.

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3M Food Safety products and services can help;

Maximise PRODUCTIVITY in your laboratory with 3M™ Petrifilm™ and 3M™ Tecra™ microbial indicators, pathogens and toxins
Maximise PLANT HYGIENE by improving assessment of plant hygiene using rapid 3M™ Clean-trace™ ATP or Protein detection systems
Maximise CONFIDENCE in your supply chain with 3M™ MonitorMark™ time and temperature indicators.

In addition to these innovative products 3M provides a comprehensive line of sampling and speciality media products for all of your food safety testing needs.
3M is a global company with a local footprint. Every day 3M Food Safety people are supporting you and your customers by providing the highest levels of service and technical support that we can offer.

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