Airpel's latest range of self-cleaning filters allows cleaning of the filter screen without operator contact and without disruption to the liquid flow using a unique screw down mechanism that drives debris toward the sump of the filter.
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It is suitable for all liquids particularly those of high viscosity such as chocolate or generally those of high value.
Features of the Airpel Rotor Blade Self-Cleaning Filters
Fully automated or manual operation.
Filtration level down to 25 micron.
Stainless steel 316 construction.
Simple maintenance. No uncoupling of motor or dump valve to gain access to the screen.
Unique screw down cleaning action driving debris toward the sump of the filter
No build up of debris within the filter mechanism.
Perforated or slotted screen with stainless steel or plastic blades.
Minimal losses from system. Maximum pressure 14 bar g at 100°C.
Maximum temperature 260°C dependant on seal material.
Typical Applications of the Airpel Rotor Blade Self-Cleaning Filters