Periodic third-party inspections, independent advice and accurate records.
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Independent Advice
Just like any piece of machinery, your cranes and hoists require regular inspections to ensure they are maintained at optimal condition. Our trusted team inspect your site equipment and provide honest, independent advice about the condition of your crane and the level of maintenance and repairs required to meet the standard.
?All our inspections are carried out in accordance with AS2550.1-2001. Refer to the table below to determine how regularly your equipment needs to be inspected.
Our team will help you maintain a records log book, detailing all significant events concerning your crane, and any documentation relating to inspections or maintenance.
To contact Australasian Overhead Cranes about Australasian Overhead Cranes Third Party Inspections | Crane Inspection Audits use Get a quote.
Independent Advice
Just like any piece of machinery, your cranes and hoists require regular inspections to ensure they are maintained at optimal condition. Our trusted team inspect your site equipment and provide honest, independent advice about the condition of your crane and the level of maintenance and repairs required to meet the standard.
?All our inspections are carried out in accordance with AS2550.1-2001. Refer to the table below to determine how regularly your equipment needs to be inspected.
Our team will help you maintain a records log book, detailing all significant events concerning your crane, and any documentation relating to inspections or maintenance.
Trade With Confidence. The supplier of this item is approved as a Verified Supplier. Business registration, contact details and locations have been verified. Australasian Overhead Cranes are also proudly displaying these credentials: