Grouser plate maintenance system simplifies plate replacement

Ergonomic solution for the heavy maintenance task of replacing grouser plates on dozers, graders, loaders and scrapers. Magnetised system handles the plates and zero G makes the tool weightless.

Safety MITS has made the replacement of ground engaging tool wear plates (grouser plates) easier and safer than ever with its Wear Plate Replacement System. We have done this by combining the Zero G ergonomic tool arm with a bespoke magnetic lift assist system from Industrial Magnetics Incorporated. The Zero G ergonomic tool arm supports the weight of the heavy impact wrenches or torque tools used to undo or reinstall the bolts holding the wear plates to the blade or bucket. The magnetic lift assist is used to lift the heavy wear plates off the blade or bucket and to reinstall the new wear plates.

The video demonstrates how the two systems work together to complete the job in a safe and efficient manner.