The Carbon in Fly Ash Monitor provides significant benefits to coal fired power stations.
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CIFA350 Carbon in Fly Ash Monitor Advantages:
Rapid, precise, real-time information
No need for accurate sampling, weighing or measurement of evolved gases
Independent of coal source or particle size
Non-destructive test
On-line information is a considerable improvement compared to traditional 24 hour sampling followed by laboratory analysis. Real-time results are reported whilst they are still relevant to plant conditions.
This prompt information enables:
Rapid optimisation of mill and excess air settings
Optimisation of the combustion process
Mill performance monitoring
Improved fly ash quality, leading to increased sales to the cement industry
The Carbon in Fly Ash Monitor 350 is the latest in a series . The monitors use a microwave interrogation technique, which relies on different responses of carbon and the other particulate matter in the gas stream to determine the amount of carbon present.
The monitor is designed to connect to an industry standard isokinetic sampler. A sample of fly ash is collected from the flue gas duct and is fed into a sample tube, where the fly ash is vibrated to ensure optimum packing. The sample tube feeds the sample to the analysis zone. Once sufficient sample has been collected, the microwave analysis takes only a few seconds. This method ensures reliable and efficient method of fly ash analysis.
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CIFA350 Carbon in Fly Ash Monitor Advantages:
Rapid, precise, real-time information
No need for accurate sampling, weighing or measurement of evolved gases
Independent of coal source or particle size
Non-destructive test
On-line information is a considerable improvement compared to traditional 24 hour sampling followed by laboratory analysis. Real-time results are reported whilst they are still relevant to plant conditions.
This prompt information enables:
Rapid optimisation of mill and excess air settings
Optimisation of the combustion process
Mill performance monitoring
Improved fly ash quality, leading to increased sales to the cement industry
The Carbon in Fly Ash Monitor 350 is the latest in a series . The monitors use a microwave interrogation technique, which relies on different responses of carbon and the other particulate matter in the gas stream to determine the amount of carbon present.
The monitor is designed to connect to an industry standard isokinetic sampler. A sample of fly ash is collected from the flue gas duct and is fed into a sample tube, where the fly ash is vibrated to ensure optimum packing. The sample tube feeds the sample to the analysis zone. Once sufficient sample has been collected, the microwave analysis takes only a few seconds. This method ensures reliable and efficient method of fly ash analysis.
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