Pre-concentration of metals and ore types at mine sites are becoming more relevant as ore grade deposits are reducing.
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With the combination of decreasing grades, higher operating costs and increasing capital costs, companies are finding it harder to make economic margins.
Pre-concentration is a process where the ore is concentrated mostly at the mine site at a relatively coarser size before dispatching to the processing plant.
Pre-concentration and gangue rejection of waste can provide many benefits in processing low grades.
Key benefits of Pre-Concentration of Ore includes:
Increases in throughput of an existing plant without installing extra milling capacity
Reducing the capital costs.
Lowering energy costs
Increases the grade to downstream processing options
Increase the efficiency of processes.
To learn more about how Scantech International's knowledge and technology can help with Pre-Concentration of Ore at your site please call or email for a direct reply.
To contact Scantech International about Pre Concentration of Ore use Get a quote.
With the combination of decreasing grades, higher operating costs and increasing capital costs, companies are finding it harder to make economic margins.
Pre-concentration is a process where the ore is concentrated mostly at the mine site at a relatively coarser size before dispatching to the processing plant.
Pre-concentration and gangue rejection of waste can provide many benefits in processing low grades.
Key benefits of Pre-Concentration of Ore includes:
Increases in throughput of an existing plant without installing extra milling capacity
Reducing the capital costs.
Lowering energy costs
Increases the grade to downstream processing options
Increase the efficiency of processes.
To learn more about how Scantech International's knowledge and technology can help with Pre-Concentration of Ore at your site please call or email for a direct reply.
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