Rollforming and Light Gauge Steel Frame ...


ENDUROFRAMERollforming and Light Gauge Steel Frame Building

Rollforming and Light Gauge Steel Frame Building


Mt Waverley, VIC

The ENDUROFRAME® building system is a subsidiary of BlueScope Steel Ltd. It was established in 2011 to license the extensive technology that BlueScope Steel has developed in rollforming, light gauge steel frame building and design including several patents, as well as software developed for the design ...View more

The ENDUROFRAME® building system is a subsidiary of BlueScope Steel Ltd. It was established in 2011 to license the extensive technology that BlueScope Steel has developed in rollforming, light gauge steel frame building and design including several patents, as well as software developed for the design and manufacture of frames.

BlueScope Steel is a pioneer of the steel framing industry with the first steel frames supplied back in the 1950s. Over the years BlueScope Steel has driven development in steel house framing in the use of high tensile (550MPa) steel, and constantly improved the corrosion performance of steel frames to the point where we were the first to offer a warranty against corrosion. The differentiating factor has been one of unrelentingly pushing the boundaries of steel framing through research and development.

The ENDURO® rollformer is a high speed, specialist steel framing rollfomer. Its design is based on the specification of the best steel framing rollfomers BlueScope Steel operates across the world. It is able to manufacture all the sections required for a house frame with high speed precision.

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