Concrete Preparation & Coating Application ...
Concrete Preparation & Coating Application
Floorex Products is your ONE-STOP-SHOP for all your concrete surface preparation needs. Contractors love Floorex Products for many reasons. We accept orders for dispatch the same day up to 4:30pm for overnight delivery to most parts of Australia! Try us!Not to mention our Technical Back-up, Quality, ...View more
Floorex Products is your ONE-STOP-SHOP for all your concrete surface preparation needs. Contractors love Floorex Products for many reasons. We accept orders for dispatch the same day up to 4:30pm for overnight delivery to most parts of Australia! Try us!
Not to mention our Technical Back-up, Quality, rugged Product and value for money and really just passion for you… we just love our customers :-)
Floorex Products is a family focused business that grew from our involvement in the Specialised Coatings and surface preparation Industry.