IB International footvalves connect easily to all types of flanges and pipework and are robust to meet Australian conditions.
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Suction pipes to centrifugal pumps generally have a high flow rate, which can cause friction to the point of cavitation and damage the pump. A good footvalve ensures the suction pipe is always primed with water so that the pump can operate at any time, whilst preventing any friction. There are 'full way' and 'poppet' type footvalves available. The 'full way' is less restrictive than the 'poppet type' of valve. Footvalves are usually configured with a strainer for optimum operation and support for the pump.
To move water from a dam the footvalve is submersed into the dam connected to a suction pipe, which connects to the pump. A number of configurations of fittings and pipework are used depending upon the objective of the water disbursement, the quality of the water, the flows of the infrastructure and equipment used. Different manufacturers have different ideas of design but basically they all have the same objective, to keep the water in the suction line so the pump works, and ensure that this happens in such a way as to allow the pump to work the most efficiently.
IB International have expertise in irrigation spanning more than 30 years in Australia and supply a robust hard working 'full way' footvalve to mining, agriculture and industrial and civil sectors.
Our flanged top with holes means you can easily connect to all types of flanges and pipework. The footvalve needs to be at least the same size or larger than the pump suction size. Our website illustrates the look and sizing of our footvalve for your selection.
To view our range of IB Foot Valves please click here
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Suction pipes to centrifugal pumps generally have a high flow rate, which can cause friction to the point of cavitation and damage the pump. A good footvalve ensures the suction pipe is always primed with water so that the pump can operate at any time, whilst preventing any friction. There are 'full way' and 'poppet' type footvalves available. The 'full way' is less restrictive than the 'poppet type' of valve. Footvalves are usually configured with a strainer for optimum operation and support for the pump.
To move water from a dam the footvalve is submersed into the dam connected to a suction pipe, which connects to the pump. A number of configurations of fittings and pipework are used depending upon the objective of the water disbursement, the quality of the water, the flows of the infrastructure and equipment used. Different manufacturers have different ideas of design but basically they all have the same objective, to keep the water in the suction line so the pump works, and ensure that this happens in such a way as to allow the pump to work the most efficiently.
IB International have expertise in irrigation spanning more than 30 years in Australia and supply a robust hard working 'full way' footvalve to mining, agriculture and industrial and civil sectors.
Our flanged top with holes means you can easily connect to all types of flanges and pipework. The footvalve needs to be at least the same size or larger than the pump suction size. Our website illustrates the look and sizing of our footvalve for your selection.
To view our range of IB Foot Valves please click here