Heavy Metal Scrubbing – Horizontal Deep Bed Scrubbers (HDB)
Heavy Metal Scrubbing – Horizontal Deep Bed Scrubbers (HDB)
Heavy Metal Scrubbing – Horizontal Deep Bed Scrubbers (HDB)
Heavy Metal Scrubbing – Horizontal Deep Bed Scrubbers (HDB)
Heavy Metal Scrubbing – Horizontal Deep Bed Scrubbers (HDB)
With the combination of a dust collector and a horizontal or Vertical Deep Bed Scrubber (HDB/VDB) packed with specially selected activated carbon molecular sieves/filters we can safely scrub many toxic metals or chemicals from industrial processes.
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Target gases can also include:
acidic gases (hydrogen sulfide, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen fluoride etc.)
odour responsible gases (mercaptans, amines etc.)
toxic gases (chlorine, phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, isocyanates, military gases etc.)
Metal Mercury, Lead and Arsenic Vapours from Metal Refining and Smelting Processes.
To contact MARC Technologies about MARC Technologies Heavy Metal Scrubbing – Horizontal Deep Bed Scrubbers (HDB) use Get a quote.
Target gases can also include:
acidic gases (hydrogen sulfide, oxides of sulfur, hydrogen fluoride etc.)
odour responsible gases (mercaptans, amines etc.)
toxic gases (chlorine, phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, isocyanates, military gases etc.)
Metal Mercury, Lead and Arsenic Vapours from Metal Refining and Smelting Processes.