Mining Equipment | Cutterchains & Bars
CMM offers the only complete line of products to meet your specific application – delivering the highest cutting rates while yielding the least amount of dust and fines.
Quality Cutterbar rebuilds
CMM has restored over 1000 cutterbars to "like-new" condition, extending the life of your investment.
For product specifications:
To contact Cincinnati Mine Australia about Mining Equipment | Cutterchains & Bars use Get a quote.
CMM offers the only complete line of products to meet your specific application – delivering the highest cutting rates while yielding the least amount of dust and fines.
Quality Cutterbar rebuilds
CMM has restored over 1000 cutterbars to "like-new" condition, extending the life of your investment.
For product specifications:
To contact Cincinnati Mine Australia about Mining Equipment | Cutterchains & Bars use Get a quote.
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