Certification of Radiation Pyrometers [Infra Red Thermometers] and Thermal Imaging Cameras is offered by ECEFast to NATA standards. This covers temperatures from -30 to 1200C
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Certification of Infra Red thermometers, transmitters and thermal imaging cameras to NATA Standards can be performed by very few laboratories in Australia. ECEFast laboratory FastLab, has accreditation for this service for all Radiation Pyrometers in the temperature ranges -30 to 1200C.
We are the exclusive agents for Raytek, IR thermometers and we can calibrate as well as certify, models such as Marathon which have field calibration software provided. The upper temperature point of 1200C is satisfactory for instruments used to 1700C in most cases.
Uncertainty 1.5C from -30 to 300C
Uncertainty 2.5C from 300 to 500C
Uncertainty 3.5C from 500 to 1200C
Forms can be downloaded from our website to send equipment to our Melbourne laboratory for this service.
To contact ECEFast about NATA Certification - Infrared Thermometers & Thermal Imagers use Get a quote.
Certification of Infra Red thermometers, transmitters and thermal imaging cameras to NATA Standards can be performed by very few laboratories in Australia. ECEFast laboratory FastLab, has accreditation for this service for all Radiation Pyrometers in the temperature ranges -30 to 1200C.
We are the exclusive agents for Raytek, IR thermometers and we can calibrate as well as certify, models such as Marathon which have field calibration software provided. The upper temperature point of 1200C is satisfactory for instruments used to 1700C in most cases.
Uncertainty 1.5C from -30 to 300C
Uncertainty 2.5C from 300 to 500C
Uncertainty 3.5C from 500 to 1200C
Forms can be downloaded from our website to send equipment to our Melbourne laboratory for this service.