Custom Transformers

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Southern Electronic Services

Southern Electronic ServicesCustom Transformers

Custom Transformers


Dandenong South, VIC

Southern Electronic Services Pty Ltd was incorporated in July, 1977 after trading as a partnership for the previous 6 years. This company manufactures power transformers, chokes and other wound components which are specifically designed to meet our customers' requirements. A wide range of ...View more

Southern Electronic Services Pty Ltd was incorporated in July, 1977 after trading as a partnership for the previous 6 years.

This company manufactures power transformers, chokes and other wound components which are specifically designed to meet our customers' requirements.

A wide range of stocked materials enables your urgent requirements to be met within days, or sooner

State of the art, microprocessor controlled winding equipment enables us to produce an excellent product in both conventional and toroidal transformers and makes it possible to meet delivery and quantity requirements.

At the same time, we retain our ability to produce a single unit or small numbers if so requested.

Southern Electronic Services P/L is a member of the Standards Association of Australia, and all our products are designed and tested to conform with relevant Australian and International Standards.

Since September 1993, a Quality Assurance system to AS 3902 has been in place, which, combined with our extensive testing procedures, ensures our customers receive reliable service and products, at a reasonable price.

All our products carry a twelve month guarantee covering materials and manufacture and we jealously guard the good name that Southern Electronic Services has built up over more than thirty years of transformer production

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Power & Output transformers (push-pull and single-ended) for valve amplifiers are a specialty.

An extensive range of Power Supplies and Variable Transformers is also available.

About one third of our production goes into Australian made equipment which is exported, resulting in Southern Electronic Services transformers being currently used in some 80 countries around the world.

Closer to home, our transformers continue to give satisfactory service in: Flinders Park Tennis Centre, Melbourne;Melbourne Underground Rail System;
Melbourne Entertainment Centre;Melbourne Cricket Ground; Great Southern Stand Darling Harbour Development; Sydney Stockmans' Hall of Fame,Longreach; Queensland Railway signalling equipment throughout Australia and South East Asia;Renewable Power Systems and RAPS throughout Australia and South East Asia; Crown Casino, Melbourne; The Alfred & Royal Women's Hospitals

S.E.S. has also designed and supplied specially shielded 10 KVA isolation transformers for installation at three Australian research bases in Antarctica.

Another contract involved design and supply of three phase isolation transformers and filters to I.B.M. for use with their mainframe computers.

These transformers have been installed in the E.D.P. centres of major banks and insurance companies throughout Australia.

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