Architectural Lining Solutions
Architectural Lining Solutions
SUPAWOOD offers 20 years’ experience designing innovative architectural lining solutions that are easy to specify and install. Over the years we have developed one of the most extensive ranges of low maintenance, prefinished architectural lining systems available on the market. We will customise ...View more
SUPAWOOD offers 20 years’ experience designing innovative architectural lining solutions that are easy to specify and install. Over the years we have developed one of the most extensive ranges of low maintenance, prefinished architectural lining systems available on the market.
We will customise our existing products or design ones specifically to suit your project needs, recommend competent installers and provide advice for a trouble-free installation. This means you can call one company when developing a collection of lining. The Supawood range meets every price bracket. Our Budget Saving Range offers economical alternative solutions for projects in need with tight budget restraints while maintaining the essence of the design intent.
We have a diverse range of quality finishes that are highly durable and can be mixed and matched across our range. We can also match to your design’s requirements.
A Supawood specification covers quality of finish, edge or return details, access requirements, provision for services, acoustics, fire retardancy & moisture resistant needs plus Green Star options. We are dedicated to meeting the shortest lead times for those on very tight deadlines - on time every time! and, to make it easy for you we now have an online Sample ordering facility where you can quickly order FREE samples to show your client.
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