ZipNet™ Time and Attendance Terminal
With ASP's rugged ZipNet™ Terminal, staff clock in and out with the simple touch of an IDTag. A "good read" is immediately signaled by a "beep" and on the screen of the Terminal. The data is then stored, avoiding errors, saving a lot of double handling, and allowing the use of time saving software such as TimeSheet Express™ V3.
Physically the size of an Australian power point, the ZipNet Terminal is easily installed either horizontally or vertically. It can be networked using the RS485 standard (allowing up to 1.2 kilometres of cable!), or it can be used in the innovative Direct Download mode (download via ASP DataTag). The latest model of the ZipNet Terminal has a number of great new features:
- May be mounted vertically or horizontally.
- The Clock/Calendar is now internal, no need for network updates.
Increased memory size.
- Simpler click in "Cat 5" type cabling.
- Data can optionally be downloaded on an infrared light beam (PDA Collection).
- Data can be downloaded on a rugged ASP DataTag, just touch to the front of the terminal (Direct Download).
- Data can optionally be downloaded by modem.
- Optional relay for programmable "horn".
- Sub-networks can be wired to PCs to integrate to ethernet backbones.
- Control program is contained in upgradeable flash memory.
RS485 Networking
Up to 31 units can be daisy-chained on up to 1.2 kilometres of low cost "Cat 5" cable. Note that although Cat 5 cable is used commonly for ethernet networks, RS485 is a different standard, designed to go long distances, and you cannot directly connect the ZipNet Terminal to an ethernet network. Back at the PC, the cable is connected to an Intelligent Converter to convert from the RS485 standard to the RS232 (COM Port) standard used by the PC. If your network has only a short cable, say up to 20 metres, you can even draw power over the network, saving finding a power point near the Terminal.
Standalone Mode
The new Direct Download capability means that Terminals can be installed without the cost of wiring back to a host computer. Just plug the ZipNet into a power point. Data is simply collected periodically by touching a special ASP DataTag to the front of the ZipNet. Download takes only a few seconds, and is monitored on the ZipNet's display. Back at the PC, slide the DataTag into a small drive, and the data is immediately transferred. An ASP TimeTag, also part of the Direct Download Kit, can carry synchronised time from a PC to the Terminal.
Combined with TimeSheet Express V3, you could be up and running in an afternoon, and yet you can expand and enhance your ZipNet installation at any time. Follow this link to find out how.
For more details on this VERY AFFORDABLE System, give ASP a call. We'll help you plan and cost the alternatives, and analyse the benefits.
For more information, please click here.
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