Our Vision is Safety

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Vision Safe

Vision SafeOur Vision is Safety

Our Vision is Safety


Mundaring, WA

Vision Safe import and wholesale personal protective equipment including safety spectacles and accessories, glove guards and accessories, face shields, portable safety lighting, vehicle safety lighting and manual handling protective products.With an extensive Australasia-wide distribution network, ...View more

Vision Safe import and wholesale personal protective equipment including safety spectacles and accessories, glove guards and accessories, face shields, portable safety lighting, vehicle safety lighting and manual handling protective products.

With an extensive Australasia-wide distribution network, Vision Safe is able to service all areas in Australia and New Zealand offering efficient and friendly service and expert product knowledge.

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Our company philosophy:

Our Vision is Safety

As VISIONSafe enters into its 14th year, the team remains committed to the provision of nothing less than the best in our personal protective equipment. Our ever expanding range now includes a specialist brand of sun safe clothing and an innovative series of first aid kits, along with many other exciting additions to our existing lines. Worldwide sourcing of the latest in safety innovation keeps VISIONSafe at the forefront of safety supply. Uniqueness of product continues to be a key feature of our range. Our buyers seek out the best of products worldwide, including products from the US, UK, Taiwan and South Africa in order to provide the very latest in technologies.

With many years of industry experience, our people take enormous pride in their in-depth product knowledge and exemplary customer service. We endeavour to give our best at all times. Our policy of continuous improvement that we apply to our products extends to our people as well. A nationwide network of specialised distributors supports end-users and we welcome visits to our user-friendly website at www.visionsafe.com.au

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