Computer & Monitor MEPS Energy Performance Compliance Testing
Computer & Monitor MEPS Energy Performance Compliance Testing
Computer & Monitor MEPS Energy Performance Compliance Testing
Computer & Monitor MEPS Energy Performance Compliance Testing
Computer & Monitor MEPS Energy Performance Compliance Testing
All computers and monitors manufactured in or imported into Australia and New Zealand are subject to Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) requirements since October 1st, 2013.
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Comtest can provide testing to the relevant standards for all flavours of desktop PCs, integrated PCs, laptops, ultrabooks, tablets, netbooks, LED and LCD flat-panel monitors, and small-scale servers.
Computers must comply with the requirements of the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 5813.2, with test requirements set out in AS/NZS 5813.1, and monitors must comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 5815.2 with test requirements set out in AS/NZS 5815.1. In Australia and New Zealand, suppliers or manufacturers of computers and monitors must register their product models via the Energy Rating website at
Any computers or monitors which are designed to be connected to 230 V / 240 V mains voltage either by a direct connection, by a permanently connected external power supply, or an external power supply that can be disconnected are included in the scope of these requirements.
Ensure your lighting product meets the relevant requirements. If you are looking at supplying, manufacturing, importing or selling Computer and Monitors and need advise on compliance please call or email us for advice.
To contact Comtest Laboratories about Computer & Monitor MEPS Energy Performance Compliance Testing use Get a quote.
Comtest can provide testing to the relevant standards for all flavours of desktop PCs, integrated PCs, laptops, ultrabooks, tablets, netbooks, LED and LCD flat-panel monitors, and small-scale servers.
Computers must comply with the requirements of the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 5813.2, with test requirements set out in AS/NZS 5813.1, and monitors must comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 5815.2 with test requirements set out in AS/NZS 5815.1. In Australia and New Zealand, suppliers or manufacturers of computers and monitors must register their product models via the Energy Rating website at
Any computers or monitors which are designed to be connected to 230 V / 240 V mains voltage either by a direct connection, by a permanently connected external power supply, or an external power supply that can be disconnected are included in the scope of these requirements.
Ensure your lighting product meets the relevant requirements. If you are looking at supplying, manufacturing, importing or selling Computer and Monitors and need advise on compliance please call or email us for advice.